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High Quality Art, Craft, and Activity Products
Trusted by parents, students, teachers and artists for over 70 years.
From humble beginnings in 1952, Micador continues to design and develop great products that inspire people to learn, improve and achieve.
You can use Micador products from the age of 1 to 101!

Get creative with our DIY Activities this Valentine's Day
For all skill levels, to inspire creativity and mastery.
At Micador, going green is not about marketing.
In 2010, our team resolved to make a genuine commitment to reducing the environmental impact of our business.
Our focus is on making a difference, not trying to profit from it.
Micador Ideas & products for a colourful life. Tag #micador to share our products at play! Artists: @micadorforartists | Tech Heads: @mconnectedlife
Micador for Artists Sharing awesome art and our awesome art supplies! Tag #micadorforartists to show us your skills.
MCONNECTED Products that help make the experience with your devices more exciting, productive and fun. They're tools for a connected world!